Ordinary in the dedication - Jin a workshop honing class excellent squad leader Zhao Ping style



November 2015, Yizheng ASIMCO Shuanghuan Piston Ring Co., Ltd. production workshop formally into the amoeba business model by the Deputy General Manager Li Kaishun led the implementation of the purpose of the business model through the amoeba, in the workshop to establish an independent accounting system, training With the business sense of talent, so that all employees to participate in the company to operate. Amoeba business is through small groups of independent accounting, to achieve the participation of all employees, the cohesion of the staff strength of the management system. Amoeba business model in the implementation of the emergence of a bright side of our outstanding individual. Today, we capture one of the positions in the ordinary staff of style, grab the show to everyone. She is the first line of the most ordinary production, but has been silent in the role of example - Zhao Ping.
A common name, an ordinary figure, years of wind and frost left her face a touch of traces. And all the staff, like the first line shift, already in her early thirties every day the wind and rain, the perennial work in the production line, flash is more than 20 years. She is the implementation of the company's business model amoeba, the first batch of one of the outstanding team leader - a workshop honing class Zhao Ping.
Recalling the 2015, the continuing downturn in the market situation and the status of the production of unsaturated, so that the work of factory employees were affected by varying degrees of passion. In November the same year, the company formally into the amoeba business model, the division of the first amoeba unit in the implementation of a workshop. In accordance with the principle of amoeba division, a workshop is divided into eight gold amoeba team, and elected eight squad leader, the team assigned the right to choose the right personnel and full grant to the squad leader, so that the boss of the same as the owner of amoeba Management, like the boss the same management, the concept reached the same with the boss.
At first, as a squad leader of the honing Zhao Ping, whether workshop leaders or team members, the ability of her squad leader have doubts, a person without any management experience can lead a group of output, quality, Site 5S, equipment maintenance and performance of team members, such as the allocation of services to do? In fact, Zhao Ping did not mind the end. What is "amoeba"? For Zhao Ping, this is a strange term. In order to quickly familiar with the amoeba business model, she abandoned all thoughts and thoughts, patiently from zero school, she used spare time access to information, humbly ask for advice, in the company and workshop leadership under the help and guidance, according to team production status management Strategy, and soon will work to carry out a very impressive team.
In March of this year, and Zhao Ping on the class honing two squad leader Wang Yan due to illness surgery, a period of time can not return to the post. Workshop leaders decided to honing a class of two merged into honing classes, to Zhao Ping one management. This is undoubtedly for her to increase the difficulty of management, coupled with the production of a workshop due to adjustment, production and processing of regional expansion, which to the production and processing and team management has brought no small impact.
But Zhao Ping is a work unyielding, dare to chew hard bones, she led the team to overcome the difficulties of staff unity and cooperation, and strive hard. As the operating characteristics of amoeba is the close collaboration between teams, processes and processes between the output is bundled assessment, if there is a process of quota can not be completed on time, then the other members of the team that day the fruits of labor will also be wasted. Zhao Ping in order to save the auxiliary time, increase the effective output, every two to three hours in advance to reach the production site, collar cylinder, management ring, the scene 5S ... ... in doing these auxiliary work have to complete their own She also had to own the top, make the greatest efforts to ensure that the effective output of the successful completion of the day marked the day of the work.
She is so every day constantly in the process back and forth between the various processes, her dedication and selfless dedication in the workshop is obvious to all, some colleagues took her joke: "The workshop so much 'small boss', only you The 'boss' when it is tired! How can there be when the 'boss' own so bitter! And Zhao Ping always laugh without words, also joked that he is "born is a labor life."
Zhao Ping is so in their ordinary positions, relying on the courage to endure hardship, selfless dedication, from an ordinary worker step by step to grow into a good grass-roots managers, in the hard to pay at the same time, also won the team members Love and corporate leadership. Her team members in her leadership in their respective positions quietly, made outstanding achievements, production efficiency increased significantly. The team honing process from the beginning of the 13 people reduced to the current 6, and 1-June average daily production from the same period last year to more than 50,000 pieces to nearly 70,000, to enhance the rate of more than 20%, team members monthly performance Revenue also increased significantly year on year.
In fact, a workshop in the gold and even the whole company, and Zhao Ping, the same amoeba team leader there are many, they are full of enthusiasm to lead the team members fighting in their respective positions. With Zhao Ping's words, "the views and awareness of small partners have a lot of change." Company Amoeba business model of the successful import, and fully tap the wisdom and potential of employees. As of the end of June, the company has seven workshops and a management department successfully imported amoeba business model, the establishment of a total of 58 amoeba group, and achieved initial results. According to statistics, from January to June, the per capita effective output of the staff of the Amoeba team increased by 38% over the same period last year, the per capita performance income also increased by 43%, production costs fell 7 million yuan.
We are engaged in a common ordinary post, in the ordinary post, we can play their own intelligence and role, we focus on the goal, perseverance, the courage to endure hardship dedication, also achieved its own value. All of the great are bred in the ordinary, as long as the double ring of the staff can be like Zhao Ping and its amoeba team, like a heart to go to a place to make, no Shuanghuan people can not do, and no bicyclic people Can not complete the work, as long as the bicycles were one heart and one mind, Shuanghuan tomorrow will be even better.
